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Coastal GasLink will help deliver cleaner energy to the world by moving natural gas to the LNG Canada facility. 欲知详情,请浏览 coastalgaslink.com.


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威尼斯电玩城手游公司正在建设沿海天然气管道, a 670 km (416 mile) pipeline to bring natural gas from the Dawson Creek, B.C. 地区的液化天然气设施,B基蒂马特.C. 由加拿大液化天然气公司建造. The LNG facility will convert natural gas into its liquid state so that it can be shipped to Asian markets. Coastal GasLink will be the first 加拿大天然气进入全球市场的直接途径.

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How does Coastal GasLink reduce global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions?

The natural gas that will move through Coastal GasLink and LNG Canada's facility can displace coal for power generation. Since natural gas produces approximately 50 per cent fewer GHG emissions than coal when burned (on a life cycle basis), this could reduce global GHG emissions by 6000万到9000万 tonnes of CO2 each year which would equal taking 12 to 18 million cars off the road. LNG Canada will produce LNG with the least CO2 per tonne of LNG produced in the world.

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There is strong support for the project from 土著 and local communities, 包括沿途所有20个原住民的协议. TC Energy is committed to ensuring both 土著 groups and local residents have opportunities to be hired into the 2,500个项目建设岗位. 在这个项目结束的时候, TC Energy is projected to have contributed 10亿美元 当地和土著承包的机会.

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Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is natural gas that has been cooled to change it from a gas form to a liquid form so that it can be transported – LNG takes up 1/600 of space that natural gas occupies. 液化天然气是安全的,因为它是非爆炸性的, 无毒, non-corrosive and does not mix with water or soil – if exposed to air it will vaporize with no residue left behind. 一旦液化天然气到达目的地, 它被还原成气体形式用作能源, 取代煤炭等碳排放较高的燃料.


1st 加拿大天然气进入全球市场的直接途径

20 原住民协议的签署

可以减少温室气体排放 6000万到9000万 每年二氧化碳吨数

2,500 创造建筑业就业机会

10亿美元 当地和土著承包的机会